SEMESTER SEVEN | Principles of Typography

*This poster won 1st place in a juried student exhibition at Valencia College's West Campus in March 2023.

This assignment was to select and research a fairly well-known typeface.  I selected Futura as I am a fan of its clean lines.

During my research, I learned about a dark period in the typeface's history and wanted to convey that in the visuals, but only allow for one line of body copy to address it. You'll notice the use of line and angle to tie the visuals to the story.  You'll also see it overshadowing an atom... which was a symbol of progress and the future during the early days of this typeface's existence.

From a colorization standpoint, I wanted to use a limited palette of "vintage" colors to showcase the age of the font as well as tie in the backstory.

I am quite proud of this project for multiple reasons.

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